125 Year Anniversary Service
We will kick off our anniversary year celebration with a festive worship service at 10:30 followed by an old-fashioned potluck meal. You are welcome to bring a dish to pass or just come and enjoy. We will invite sharing of memories and stories as part of our worship service.
Palm Sunday
Join us on Palm Sunday for the start of Holy Week. Brunch will follow.
Maundy Thursday
Share soup and a dramatic telling of the story with Holy Communion.
Good Friday Tenebrae Service
Join us for a powerful service of darkness.
Worship with Holy Communion. Join us for a beautiful sunrise service with the Lyndale Choir. We also have our 10:30 service featuring music by Singleton Street and a surprise alleluia launcher.
Worship with Holy Communion. Join us for a festival service with music by Singleton Street and a surprise alleluia launcher.
125 Years in the Community Celebration!
COME JOIN US AS WE CELEBRATE 125 YEARS IN THE COMMUNITY! 10:00 AM - Bell Ringing Remembrance 10:30 Festive Worship with Bishop Ann Svennungsen 11:30 Free Community Picnic - kids' bounce house, yard games, historical building tours, All Are Welcome!
Youth Car Wash
Youth Car Wash during our after worship fellowship hour - beginning @ 10:30 AM @ Lyndale
Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School 6:15 - 8 PM - all ages, with a meal Everyone welcome!
Pie & Ice Cream Social
An old fashioned community Pie & Ice Cream Social Sing along - special guest former Pr. Gale Reitan
Men’s Food & Fellowship
Men's Food & Fellowship @ 9:30 AM